Getting Started

The only way to become a golfer is to take the plunge and begin. The best thing beginners can do is to work on their swing and putting at home, and also go to a practice facility such as a driving range.

A driving range is a designated place where golfers go to work on their golf swing and long shots. They are given a bucket of balls to hit over an area that has numbers marking distance. The great thing about driving ranges is you don’t have to go pick up your balls! A machine will generally do that for you. 

Other benefits of going to a driving range include the fact that you can go by yourself, you aren’t required to wear special clothes, and you don’t have to have much in the way of equipment. Many driving ranges even rent clubs.

With respect to clothing, while there are generally no dress codes at driving ranges, you don’t want to show up shirtless or wearing very short shorts. A collared shirt, medium to long shorts, or pants, will work fine.

If you aren’t happy learning on your own and taking it slow, you can always sign up for golf lessons. Golf lessons are a great way for you to get the undivided attention you need and you can ask all those questions you are dying to know, but are too afraid or embarrassed to ask in front of other golfers. Golf lessons will also speed up your results.

When shopping around for teachers you need to understand that anyone can call themselves a professional instructor. Opting for a teacher that is a member of the Professional Golfers Association, recommended by a golf club, or a teacher that a friend highly recommends, is always a better idea than just picking somebody out of the phone book at random.

Before you get locked into golf lessons with an instructor, ask if you can observe a lesson first. This will give you a good idea of how the instructor carries himself and how he teaches. Most professional instructors will gladly allow prospective students to sit in and watch a lesson with another student, as long as the student having the lesson doesn’t mind.

When you are observing the instructor, here are some things you should watch for that will show that he is a good instructor:

  • He seems to have a love of teaching and believes his student will improve.
  • The instructor is more interested in teaching the mechanics of golf than showing off his skills.
  • He acts like a professional.
  • The instructor doesn’t give the student too many things to conquer at once and works on the fundamentals.

Whether you take lessons from an instructor or you practice on your own at home and at a driving range, you’ll know it’s time to hit the golf course for a round of golf when you have improved enough that you don’t miss the ball repeatedly—and you can get the ball airborne more times than not.

When it does come time to go to a course, it’s a good idea to begin golfing on courses that are not overly populated by skilled players, or courses that are less intimidating. There are many courses that cater to beginning golfers—and when you arrive at the course, don’t be intimidated by your lack of skill. Everybody stinks at golf in the beginning and practice is the only thing that will improve your skill level.

Also, keep in mind that frustration is often the name of the game for golfers. If you can understand that, you’ll be able to deal with it better when it does come around. Even skilled golfers get frustrated and they know exactly what they’re doing!